Nov 4, 2011

Rosehip Oil and Retin A

I am always on the look out for 'proven' products that can repair sun damage and/or wrinkles including preventative methods for those who wish to be 'proactive' in their skincare regime.
I was introduced to Rosehip Oil by a dermatologist friend of mine who at 55 has beautiful skin that many half her age would envy. Her routine, like many of us includes Retin A, DIY Vitimin C Serum, Lactic Acid Peels, TCA Peels and of course Sunscreen. She also includes regular use of Rosehip Oil which appears to give her the 'edge' with her success of radiant skin.
I have decided to give Rosehip Oil a try and will give regular updates as to how this has an effect on my skin in conjunction with my regular use of Retin A, Vit C and Tazret. I purchased my Rosehip Oil from for $5.34 for a 1 oz bottle which should last a long time considering you only need use 2 drops for your whole face.
I will be apply the Rosehip Oil by rotating alternate nights with my Retin A.
Below is a study I found which gives some great information for those wishing to give it a try:

Rosehip oil is widely recognized for the effects of the natural topical trans-retinoic acid (vitamin A) it contains. The unique properties of rosehip oil were first discovered in 1983 by a team of researchers from the Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacology at the University of Concepcion (Chile).
In a two-year study, rosehip oil was applied to 180 patients with surgical, traumatic and burn scars, as well as to a group suffering from premature aging of the skin. The results were remarkable. Continuous application of rosehip oil effectively attenuated scars and wrinkles, halted advancement of premature aging, and restored lost skin natural color and tone.
The action of rosehip oil in helping to regenerate damaged skin tissues was originally attributed to its high content of unsaturated essential fatty acids. These acids are important for healthy skin (when taken internally) for they are components of cell membranes and precursors of prostaglandine/leucotriens. Their presence did not successfully explain the regenerative effects of rosehip oil. Drs. Pareja and Kehl, identified trans-retinoic acid as the component responsible for these effects.
Trans-retinoic acid is a derivative of Vitamin A and is marketed as Tretinoin. The therapeutic effects of Tretinoin in the treatment of a variety of dermatology disorders have been well-researched and recognized for almost 30 years. Tretinoin can produce quick and positive changes in the skin, but because it is a very strong substance, it must be applied under medical supervision.
However, Rosehip oil produces the benefits of Tretinoin, but without secondary side effects, because the trans-retinoic acid is contained in a natural state as part of a complex of unsaturated fatty acids. The action is controlled and slowly released, eliminating the risk of overdoses.
PHOTOAGED SKIN Changes produced on skin by the action of the sun (photoaging or dermatoheliosis) are very common in all countries of warm climate. Exposure to sun causes important morphological changes in skin. Dermatoheliosis appears in different ways and varying intensity ranging from surface wrinkles, active keratosis and variation in the distribution of the melanin granules.
For this test volunteers were selected from people who usually spend the 3 months of summer in resorts by the sea or who go to the beach every day. The tests were carried out on 20 women aged
between 25 and 35. The most frequently noted signs were surface wrinkles and brown spots. All applied rosehip oil on the face during four months (May to August, 1988). Observations were made every eight days. Significant changes were noted starting on the third week. Surface wrinkles started to disappear and spots started to fade. By the end of the fourth month skin presented a smooth and fresh aspect and the spots had almost disappeared.

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