At first I was a little concerned in regards to applying 'oil' to my face on a regular basis convincing myself that I would start to break out and increase the oiliness of my skin but this was not the case.
I originally used DHC Oil Cleanser (Click HERE for more information) but due to the cost ($26.00 for 6.7oz) I decided to experiment and make my own (Click HERE for more information). After much trial and error I came to the conclusion that Mineral Oil is the least likely of all oils to irritate or clog pores.
The Oil Cleansing Method (OCM) dissolves oil and dirt deep inside the skins pores and removes dead skin cells. It also helps remove bacteria and overall enhances a more healthier skin. But most importantly it is an extremely effective method of removing makeup and sunscreen (especially difficult to remove physical sunscreen and waterproof mascara).
The Oil Cleansing Method is based on the chemistry principle that “like dissolves like” – known as 'The Dissolution Theory'. To say it another way “oil dissolves oil” or “water cannot dissolve oil”. This principle explains why many water based cleansers are not very effective at removing makeup, sunscreen, or deep cleansing the pores of the skin. Surprisingly many do not realize (me included) that there is a distinct difference between OCM Oil blends and basic Cleansing Oils.
OCM directions for removing makeup or sunscreen:
Step1: Place the oil blend in the palm of the hand, rub the hands together then massage into the skin (over makeup and or sunscreen) for a few minutes. As you continue to massage, you will start to feel little grainy bits. When I first experience this I was under the impression that I had transferred grit from my hands onto my face but this was not the case and after much research (again) I came to understand that these 'grainy bits' where clogs coming out of my pores of which I found to be absolutely fascinating!
Step 2: Fill your sink with hot water and place a washcloth in the water until saturated.
Step 3: Wring the washcloth out until just damp.
Step 4: Open washcloth and place completely over face and leave there for 2-3 minutes or until washcloth has cooled. This will open the pores and permit the oils to soften hardened oils and draw out dirt and clogs from the skin. Wipe skin with washcloth.
Step 5: Repeat steps 3&4 three to four times (what ever works for you personally) then wipe the oil off the face with a cool temperature washcloth. This last step is done numerous times until the oil is completely removed and your skin feels clean and oil residue free. (I personally find wiping twice with a cool washcloth is sufficient).
The 'traditional' OCM process above can be quite time consuming but is well worth the time and effort. However, you can choose to do a shortened modified version of OCM.
Modified version:
Step 1: As above
Step 2: As above
Step 3: As above
Step 4: As above
Step 5: Wipe face with cooled washcloth
Step 6: Finish with your usual cleanser so as to remove all oil residue
I alternate between the full and modified version throughout the week and as with all of my skincare routines I monitor my skins needs and reactions and adapt accordingly. So far, I have found that I get good results by doing the full OCM once or twice a week and the modified version on the remaining days.
On the occasions I have either been too tired or just too lazy to do the Oil Cleansing Method, I am very aware as to how other methods of cleansing are not adequate in regards to removing all the residue of makeup and sunscreen. When returning to OCM I am always amazed as to how clean and clear my skin feels.
Give it a try, even if you only try the modified version as I think you will be pleasantly surprised with the results.