I have been using Thayers Unscented Witch Hazel Original Alcohol Free for a long time now but for some reason have never done a review so I thought it was about time I put that right!
I can remember when I was in my teens (a very very very long time ago)! and I would use Witch Hazel all over my face twice a day just because my best friend who suffered with acne did! Therefore I spent 'years' convincing myself that there was absolutely no reason that my skin would ever need such a harsh product....well I was wrong. I use this product in the PM after removing my makeup and cleansing as I find it prepares my skin for my Retin A, Tazorac or AHA and removes any residue left behind from my cleanser (see link below for my personal PM skincare routine). Thankfully I have come a long way since my teens and now only use products that not only 'agree' with my particular skin but also 'work' and Thayers Witch Hazel Original Alcohol Free really does a good job. It gentle enough to use on a daily basis without causing any dryness or irritation and the addition of the Aloe Vera makes it very soothing to the skin.
I purchase this from iherb.com Link and at only $7.51 for 12 fl oz it is very cost effective.
Not only is Witch Hazel used for cleansing and toning purposes it is also a good source for bruises which again is something I have personally tried and tested. After a cosmetic procedure (Blepharoplasty) I looked like I had been in a fight with Mike Tyson (other than the fact that my ear was still intact) and I was willing to give anything a try to speed up the side effects of the bruising. On the advice of my surgeon I soaked cotton pads in Witch Hazel and placed them on my lids throughout the day and not only was it very soothing but I was also amazed as to how fast the bruising faded.